Scramble’d Beast

YHC, was feeling the presence of the el diablo, as we waited on Fleetwood who promised to joing Salmonella and Tofu…Tofu and Salmonella were taken under a spell, and cranked cars to leave for 2nd F, then Fleetwood comes creeping in, so we circled the park and repark….still under the spell we left making it to an establishment that cracks, beats, and whips eggs, sizzles bacon, butters bread unless requested to hold but some force of natures were working. YHC recalled a conversation from the redwood RedRyder, you know if we actually ever really go it is over….maybe true, and we all got up for a work out not breakfast. Feeling defeated for not controlling the belly enticement which was almost seductive at that time in the morning, ha, the omelet café was closed until 6. Alright guys, lets go, YHC needed this. The Beast is here and we are shutting it down.

With a 7-11 minute delay on starting, warned we began a COP

The Thang

B – 7 Burpees 7 trees out, 7 tress back, we modified to the market after 100 total

E – Eleven 11-1 Dips to Step Ups, total of 12 each set, total of 66 dips, 66 step ups

A – 25 American Hammers rinse repeat x4 total 100

S – 25 Butt 2 Bench, rinse repeat x4 total 100

T – turtle walk, slower than a normal and not pain free

COT – Salmonella had a doctor’s apt for foot, slight tear in ATL (anterior talofibular ligament), and inflamed posterior talofibular ligament and calcaneofibular ligament, which basically means the kankle is getting some treatment but no reason to stop doing anything other than the complaining.

Tofu is meeting with a donar for the lizard corp and hopes to hit a grand slam

Fleetwood prays about continual sleep, aka rest, not to be woken up by 2.0 kicking him horizontally while sleeping….YHC almost suggested a door lock but figures, RH has a hardware store, and the man will figure it out.

Always be EH’ing

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