Wind the Clock

Two Pax meet sub 50 degrees, each were excited the other showed but were tempted by lucifier to far sack.  Even though one is celebrating 14 years of marriage, Tclaps Tofu, that is not common these days.

In honor of one of YHC favorite beat downs from daffin Loop the Coop we ground pounded pond side for at least three laps depending on the kankle we could go more, counter clockwise to wind up the clock.

We pushed each other, and tofu led the bench work out.
Lap 1 – 25 dips at the bench facing southwestish, reminds YHC of SOWEGA, southwest GA, where he is from and heading for Tday.
Lap 2 – ran quicker at the bench merging and dips
Lap 3 – felt good running dips, benches, step ups oyo’s 20 plus
Lap 4 – this néw normal is becoming more sustainable

Field work
Zoombie lunged the field, the. Apolo Creed both sides following the tree cones.

Awesome testimony and walk of faith with our brother Tofu, TCLAPS to him and his M. Hopefully, the M and 2.0 feel better.

Prayers for
1direction, as his family walks through a valley.

Cachaca, as his family tries to mitigate through difficult times with foreign politics, corruption, taxes etc

YHC’S home closings….two years in the making seems like it is finally happening and seems to be the right plan, putting trust in the Lord is where it’s at, where it needs to be and where it should be. Don’t worry be happy JC carries the team and we always win as he has the last at bat in the bottom of the inning…

1st, 2nd, 3rd responders, teachers, students, liberals, conservatives, imports and domestics; our country needs to get it together and we are here to help, do your part be a better human.

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