Convergence 2020

The first savannah convergence of 2020 commenced with an impressive 35 pax with excellent representation from all the Coastal Empire AOs and 1 FNG.  A brief light rain ended before introductions and disclaimer were made.  Unexpected large pax required modification of the initial work out plan with below summary to the best of YHC memory.

Traditional COP with a series of exercises in cadence including SSH, imperial walkers, Moroccan nightclubs, 4-count squats, chinooks, Don Quixote, mountain climbers, and merkins.

Simple mosey to the stadium for each wall squat and balls to the wall each to pax count off.

Incline and decline merkins each x15 for two sets

Mosey to the cage to pick up railroad ties

Split into groups of nine for taking turns flipping over the rail road ties down the field and back while the rest alternated hand release merkins and jump squats. 

Back down the field with bear crawls, bunny hops and lunges with breaks for burpees. 

Returned to the flag with Mary replaced with a painfully long tunnel of love directed by our Nantan.  

Finished with countarama, namarama and COT including naming an FNG.  Welcome Doc Hollywood!!

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