Bunny homicide during expansion

Bogey had an unexpected work issue pop up, so he couldn’t make it. 

6 others arrived at 0515 at the West Chatham Middle School bus loop. Pergo, Pastel, Tutti Frutti, Door Jam, cheddar biscuit, and YHC. There was also an officer there. Thought for sure we’d have a conversation with him, but when Pastel and I got out of our vehicles, he clearly was intimidated and fled the scene. Gravy was not there. 

Warmup lap around the bus loop, along with plank, disclaimer, single arms up, and a brief discussion of why we are looking for a new AO. 

Always go back to the mission. F3’s mission is to plant, grow, and serve … You know the rest. Though we love the Pooler AO and camaraderie that we all have, at the end of the day, it’s not about us. How can we reach more men? Is our start time right to get men that have to be at work earlier? Is our location right to remove commute time to the AO as a barrier? Does a group of 20+ encourage the right level of forming meaningful relationships and trust amongst the PAX?

The Thang

The bus loop at the school is lined with trees every 25 yards or so. Each PAX would murder bunny to the next tree. At each tree we would do 20 Cindy curls for the girls, 20 OHP, 20 block Merkins, and 20 squats. This was about 200 yards worth of murder bunnies and 7 rounds of exercises (140 reps of each). As a good servant Q, YHC was willing and happy to have the 6 for this!

We then dropped Cindy back to the top of the bus loop and went for an exploratory mosey around the school campus. They have unfortunately put up a fence all around the back field areas limiting our ability to use that. We moseyed to the parking lot between the middle and elementary schools only to find similar fencing. There was one open fence by the dumpster, but no guarantee it would be open every time. There is a good tree line for potential Cindy warehousing though.

We did 4 rounds of dealers choice Mary and then indigenous people ran back to the start to finish right at 0600. During the COT, one pax accepted Noodles merlot challenge and splashed some over to the side. 

We pledged to an F3 MudGear shirt sleeve flag, prayed, and headed out.

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