
QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 12/09/2020
Title: r/DadJokes
Number of HIMs: 19
Farva, DQ, Doughboy, Flat Tire, Norm, Cheddar Biscuit, Tutti Fruity, Swabbie, Slick, Hardover, Honker, Pergo, Door Jam, Woo Hoo, Sherman, Noodles, Radar, FroZone, Betty Crocker

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

21s with an amazing synchronous finish. No penalty.
Plank with disclaimer.
Right hand up, rotate face up plank, left arm up, back to plank, straight into 10 Merkins IC
T^3 *10, Don Quixote * 12
Long Indian Run lap top get the body warm

Tha Thang:
YHC loves a good dad joke. After seeing an F3 Indianapolis backblast that based a workout around dad jokes, I had to steal the concept. Here is their backblast:

Bad Dad Number Jokes

For this version, each round would start with 5 burpees, the joke and accompanying exercise and reps, followed by a 25 yards down and back mosey. YHC did get a little help from the DadJokes sub-reddit.

For context, YHC is scheduled for a vasectomy today … My second one since the first one didn’t take (discovered by the doctor, not an unplanned child). A couple jokes reference this.

Joke 1: I recently had a vasectomy and someone asked if the heart sack (family friendly PG version) was any different now? I told them there’s not a vas deferens.
Exercise 1: Pickle Pointers for 2 minutes (a full 2 minutes, not like the 2 minutes in the heart sack).

Joke 2: Whenever I see one of my spanish friends, I say “”mucho”” to them. It means a lot to them.
Exercise 2: Mucho Chesto … Variant from the F3 exicon. Lime up a row of Cindy’s, all pax start between two Cindy’s. Do 5 abyss merks, move hands left, do 5 left hand up/right hand down merks, move left, 5 incline merks, move right, 5 lh up/the down merks, move right, 5 abyss merks, move right, 5 the up/lh down merks, move right, 5 incline merks.

Joke 3: I was going to tell a time traveling joke. But you guys didn’t like it.
Exercise 3: 88 Cindy Squats … 88 in reference to the greatest time travel movie ever, Back to the Future. Done as 44 reps in cadence.

Joke 4: Why do teenage girls walk in groups of 3, 5, or 7? Because they literally can’t even!
Exercise 4: Curls for the Girls * 25 (odd #) in cadence

Joke 5: What generation is Forest Gump from? Gen A
Exercise 5: In honor of Forest’s epic runs at ‘Bama, sprint ~100 yds through the finish line to emulate Forest. Rest for 1 minute, sprint back.

Joke 6: Did you hear about the guy who got the left side of his body cut off? He’s all right now.
Exercise 6: Side Bends with Cindy * 25/side OYO

Joke 7: Why do mermaids wear seashells? Because they outgrew their B shells
Exercise 7: Mermaid Squat Thrusters (feet together) * 15 OYO

PAX inserted jokes –
From Farva: What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?
PAX response: “Arrrrrr”
Farva response: “That’s what you would think, but it’s actually Sea!”

From Farva: Why does a mushroom always get invited to a party? Because he’s a fun guy!

From Swabbie: What is an Owl’s favorite subject? Owl-gebra! Isn’t that a Hoot! (2 for 1 special)!

From Flat Tire after some asked if YHC was using the same doctor this round: “The first doc said it wasn’t a ‘big’ deal to do again!”

Put Cindy back to bed, mosey to the flag for one last joke.

Joke 8: I always thought there were only 25 letters in the alphabet. I don’t know why.
Exercise 8: Alphabet Mary in cadence

CAR, NAR, Announcements, Pledge Prayer.

Keep Dado in your prayers, and YHC & docs/nurses for surgery today.