1st F 03/12/2024 5 days after Bday beatdown

QiC: Skinny Dip
Date: 03/12/2024
Title: 5 days after Bday beatdown
Number of HIMs: 10
9.5, Betty Crocker, Bogey, Door Jam, Fro-Zone, Honker, Skinny Dip, Swashbuckler, Tutti Frutti

Number of FNGs: 1
Name of FNGs: Shack it

Worlds greatest stretch with rotations proper Kaitlyn Jenner downward dog into cobras then a HOT START 26x Ranger Burpees
Vest up
Mosey to the start

Tha Thang:
Introduced some Mesi Warm up Spanish Musica to the group!!
Run to stop sign and back
7x Navy SEAL Burpees
3x L Arm and 3x R Arm TGUs (Turkish get ups)
7x Ranger Burpees
Walking lunge to cones / Porta John's
7x L arm and 7x R arm Thursters
47 x KB swings
Rinse and repeat
Time called at second walking lunge
Run back to circle
Finish with a slaughter finish 21 burpees for 47 total burpees

Mary for the win! Some V ups, Ww2s, Air Squats, Ww1s, Murmans, something Bogey did, Freddy Mercs, infinity and box cutters

Countarama Namearama pledge
good to be back
Thursday doughnuts and fireball
Hot start is a fireball shot and sprint to library!!!