1st F 03/18/2024 String of blocks

QiC: Door Jam
Date: 03/18/2024
Title: String of blocks
Number of HIMs: 9
Bullwinkle, Buzz Lightyear, Captain Cheese, Door Jam, Mr. Miyagi, Patches, Pea Shooter, Pergo, Spokes

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Leg stretches
Burpees 5 OYO
More leg stretches
Burpees 5 OYO
Arm cross stretch
Burpees 5 OYO

Tha Thang:
Get cindy
Line up at first tree, cinchworm to neck pole (bear crawl while dragging cindy with feet). These SUCK.
Curls 10 IC
Rifle carry to neck pole
KB swings 25 OYO
Murder bunny to center of field
Lawnmowers 10 IC each side
Rifle carry to other side, partner up.
One man farmer carries while other does 3 burpees then catches up, switch.
Stop and move to bus awning
Chicken peckers 10 IC, straight into obligerators 10 IC
People's chair for recovery
Wall burpees 3 OYO for police car
Flutter press 10 IC
Move to track
Jump squats 25 OYO
Bear crawl to neck tree
Monkeyhumpers 20 IC
Lunge back to cindy
Suitcase carry to neck pole
Thrusters 10 OYO
Rifle carry
LBCs 25 IC
Bring cindy home

Remember we are not just here for ourselves but for the men next to us
Bogey ruck on Saturday