1st F 03/19/2024 Omaha! Omaha!

QiC: TestTube
Date: 03/19/2024
Title: Omaha! Omaha!
Number of HIMs: 3
Orange Juice, ShamWow

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right leg over left, left leg over right; wide leg stretch to touch toes left leg, right leg, center; calf raises; plank into downward dog; under the fence; runner stretch right and then left; little baby arm circles; Michael Phelps; Chinooks; SSH

Tha Thang:
Decided to call an audible with only 3 of us that showed up.

Mosey around the church to pick up Cindy.
Circled up at the elbow by the sheds.

Each called out an exercise, all are 30 reps

Curls, Chest Press, Tri Ext

Run around bball island and back

Squats, KB Swings, Calf Raises

Run around bball island and back

Gas Pumpers, Heel Touches, Plank, Box Cutters, LBCs, Flutter Kicks

Run around bball island and back

OHP, Deadlift, incline merks, WW2, Lawn Mowers, American Hammers (in cadence)

Announcements: Savannah Ruck

Prayers for those traveling and those injured