1st F 04/01/2024 Too much Jocko Go for Skinny

QiC: Flo
Date: 04/01/2024
Title: Too much Jocko Go for Skinny
Number of HIMs: 9
CPAP, Door Jam, Kirby, Pee Boots, Puff, Skinny Dip, Spread Eagle, Worm

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Skinny stretches
Abe Vigodas
Imperial walkers
Arm circles

Tha Thang:
Mosey to the 1st light pole past the boat ramp

3 cones were set up at about 10, 20 and 30 yards

Round 1-complete 3 sets
Suicides to each cone
Then do:
10 Push up toe touch-hard way
10 Jump tucks
10 standing knee to hands-hard way(Jane Fonda’s as Skinny called them)

Round 2-complete 3 sets
Lunges down and back(1st set to 1st cone, 2nd set to 2nd cone and 3rd set to 3rd cone)
20 plank jacks
20 mountain climbers
20 groiners

Round 3-complete 3 sets
Broad jumps to the 1st cone and back
10 no cheat merkins
20 BBS
30 SSH

Prayers for Kevin Jackson, Spreads father in law, and Worms daughter in law(I think that’s right). Praises for a great Easter weekend.

Skinny Dip was on fire this morning! Glad he didn’t have the Q.