1st F 04/03/2024 Bearly Tracing the Lines

QiC: TestTube
Date: 04/03/2024
Title: Bearly Tracing the Lines
Number of HIMs: 3
Clog, noodles

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left leg touch toes, left over right, Don Coyotes, Through The Tunnels, Plank Downward Dog, Dive Bombers, Runners Stretch, Little Baby Arm Circles, Chinooks forward and reverse, SSH, Indian Run to get Cindy

Tha Thang:
Begin running tracing the parking space lines, forward to side shuffle to backwards run repeat. Trace 6 spaces.

Go to Cindy perform 4 exercises:

Grave Diggers, up and over Cindy merkins, Curls, Triceps

Run to next tracing spaces; bear crawl trace forward to side bear crawl to crawl bear 4 spaces

At the other end of island; choice of 5 burpees or running to pull up bar to do 5 pull ups.

Completed 3 rounds

Put Cindy away and meet for some Mary:
WW2, Scissors, LBC’s, WW2, Freddie Mercury, V-ups

Ended with cool down stretches

Prayers for Noodle’s great niece, Step father in law, and friend all with various health related problems.