1st F 04/12/2024 Merkins at the Bar

QiC: TestTube
Date: 04/12/2024
Title: Merkins at the Bar
Number of HIMs: 9
Clog, Colonel, Falcon9, Flat Tire, LaSorta, noodles, Quikrete, Tin Cup

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Left over right foot touch your toes, right over left, Through the Tunnels, Plank into downward dog, under the fence, runner stretch right then left, plank to right arm up, left arm up, arm circles forward and reverse, chinooks forward and reverse, Michael Phelps, calf raises, SSH

Tha Thang:
Indian run around lot to eventually get Cindy

Everyone lines up. All pax perform exercise while first in line completes course. Everyone shift forward. After completing course pax goes to back of the line.

Course includes murder bunny to Cindy. There are 3 Cindys spaced out. Jump over burpee across them. Run to pull up bar, pull up bars were flooded so 10 merkins instead. Run back to Cindy’s, Jump over burpee back across the 3 Cindy’s, murder bunny back to the line. Next in line runs the course.

Exercises performed:


Chest Press


KB Swing


Tricep Ext


Chest Press

Lawn Mowers

Change up in the programming:
Run laps around the 2 islands. Quikrete called out 4 laps

Finished at the flag with Mary: cockroach resurrections, John Boat

Prayers: Falcon9’s childhood friend Nate