1st F 04/17/2024 Good Forking Morning

QiC: TestTube
Date: 04/17/2024
Title: Good Forking Morning
Number of HIMs: 2

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Various leg stretches and arm warmups. Each warmed up in our own way.

Tha Thang:
Starting in the middle of the parking lot. There are 4 parking lanes. These are the prongs of the fork. Run down each prong, perform 3 exercises then come back to the starting point and do 3 burpees. Then run down the second prong, and back to the starting point to do 3 burpees and so on. All prong exercises are 20 reps

Prong 1: H/R Merkins, Freddie Mercs, Squats

Prong 2: Curls, WW3, Squats

Prong 3: Tri Ext, Heals to Heaven, Calf Raises

Prong 4: Carolina Dry Docks, Flutter Kicks, Bonnie Blair’s

Basically had COT throughout the workout. Great conversation. Couldn’t help but feel we were missing some folks, but we held it down nonetheless.