1st F 04/17/2024 The Walking Cindys

QiC: Mr. Miyagi
Date: 04/17/2024
Title: The Walking Cindys
Number of HIMs: 4
Bullwinkle, Mr. Miyagi, Pea Shooter

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Michael Phelps with disclaimer
Little baby arm circles fwd and reverse
Chinooks fwd and reverse
Plank position to stretch out calf muscles and lower back
Imperial walkers
Wake up cindy

Tha Thang:
We walked a lap on the bus loop, farmer carrying our cindys the whole lap.

We made 5 stops. Each stop consisted of:
5 burpees
30 curls
30 OHPs
30 squats with cindy

We also made a stop at the bus loading area and did a round of Mary:
x15 IC of flutter kicks
x25 of LBCs
x25 IC of box cutters Colosseum style
x20 IC of American hammers

Put up cindys.

Mentioned to the guys that it's OK to ask for help no matter what the situation is. Don't let your pride keep you from doing that.

Prayers for VeggieTales finishing school and going off to college.
Prayers for safe travels for Bullwinkle and family.