1st F 04/23/2024 F3 Unplugged Beatdown (Just Five Burpees)

QiC: Miss Bliss
Date: 04/23/2024
Title: F3 Unplugged Beatdown (Just Five Burpees)
Number of HIMs: 12
Cardone, CPAP, Finkle, Flea, Joanna, Lady Chablis, Puff, Rapinoe, Shingles, Sparky, Turtle

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

20x SSH
15x TTT
10x Arm Cir. >
10x Arm Cir. <
10x Don Q
Runner's Stretch
Mosey to get a Cindy, hit a Five & Dime passing the Pull-Up Station

Tha Thang:
20x Cindy Overhead Press
20x Cindy Swing
20x 4 Count Cindy Flutters
20x Bent Over Row
20x Cindy Squats
Run a Parking Lot Lap – cones were set up on alternate corners, Pax stopped and performed 5 Burpees at each cone (10 Burpees/lap)

Pax completed 5 rounds, Super Pax completed more.

Last lap return Cindy, hit Five & Dime passing Pull-Up Station, return to COT for Mary:
Reverse Crunches waiting for 6
American Hammers
25 LBC
20 4 Count Flutters
Back Scratchers

Puff shared that his neice has returned home and is relaxing and glad to be out of the hospital, continued prayers are needed.
Prayer of gratitude for the fellowship of F3 and the ability to improve ourselves physically and mentally, safe travels for Sparky and Wife, healing for Puff's neice, and courage to be leaders in our families and our communities.