1st F 04/25/2024 Old friends

QiC: Papa Doc
Date: 04/25/2024
Title: Old friends
Number of HIMs: 3
Low Tide, Papa Doc, Trophy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Don Quixote
Through the tunnels
Arm circles
Michael Phelps

Tha Thang:
Big numbers, major muscles
Grab Cindy and head over to South side of parking lot

Concept: complete 100 reps run length of parking lot to complete abs on far side and return side.

Shoulders: 60x OHP, 40x KB Swings
20x big boys, 20x 4-ct flutters

Chest: 60x Cindy press, 40x merkins
40x LBC, 20x x-factors

Arms: 80x curls, 20x thumb on top curls
40x gas pumpers, 30x froggers

Legs: 30x sumo squats, 30x brick squats, 30x jump squats, 10 alternating lunges

Finished up with a run to Parker's and back

#rama, namarama

-Kids completing end of year testing
-low tide and papa doc shoulders