1st F 04/26/2024 Murph Prep – The Burph

QiC: Betty Crocker
Date: 04/26/2024
Title: Murph Prep – The Burph
Number of HIMs: 8
9.5, Backfire, Betty Crocker, DQ, French Press, Gumbo, Radar, Sweet -n -low

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Plank, right arm up, left arm up, dive bombers … reviewed Mission, Core Principles, and Credo during this.
Motivators from 7.
Mosey to the backlot.

Tha Thang:
Modify the classic Murph to help train for it in a month (Memorial Day Weekend). This will be a “Burph”, which includes dropping into a burpee after each pull-up, doing 2 merkins at the bottom of the burpee, and then 3 squats at the top of the burpee. Focus on good form (especially for 1 pull-up each rep), and don’t cheat yourself just to get higher reps.

Do 5 reps of this to get 5 pull ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats each round. Then take a running lap down to the 5th island and back. Extend the reps to 10 per round at the end, and shorten the run by an island or two to adjust for time.

YHC made it through 65 pull-ups, 130 merkins, 195 squats and just shy of 2 miles of running. Gumbo led the way for most rounds completed.

Countarama, Namearama with Burpees Underground style (2 burpees for Respects, 3 burpees for Double Respects), AAR, Announcements, Pledge, Prayer.

AAR: Increase the “rep” to at least 2 pull ups, 4 merks, 6 squats … need that transition through 2 pull-ups at least.
Announcements: Breakfast ruck (with maybe PT) at 0400 this Saturday. See #all-things-ruck for details.
Prayers: Praise for SnL friend having Cather removed after 4 months of cancer treatment. Prayers for Steve Hudson family after loss of Steve’s M, the funeral was yesterday.
COT: We live in a society that seems more and more easily offended. It is not our place to intentionally offend, but we also don’t use that to shy away from sharing our beliefs in a respectful way. Let us not get offended or judge others for their differences, but show grace and love even where we disagree, and even where others don’t reciprocate the same grace and love towards our individual beliefs.