1st F 04/26/2024 Pyramid Scheme

QiC: TestTube
Date: 04/26/2024
Title: Pyramid Scheme
Number of HIMs: 5
Falcon9, Flat Tire, Quikrete, Short Circuit

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Right over left leg touch toes, left over right, Don Coyotes, Through The Tunnels, Plank Downward Dog, Dive Bombers, Runners Stretch, Caitlin Jenner, Little Baby Arm Circles, Chinooks forward and reverse, SSH, Indian Run to get Cindy.

Runners stretch caused an emergency Code Brown for Short Circuit. We picked him up on our Indian Run lap.

Tha Thang:
40 Mtn Climbers
35 Flutter Kicks
30 Merkins
25 Lunges
20 Lawn Mower
15 Tricep Ext
10 KB Swings
5 Blockees

Requested Quikrete choose a number between 1-5,
So we ran around the short track 4x

5 Blockees
10 KB Swings
15 Tricep Ext
20 Lawn Mower
25 Lunges
30 Merkins
35 Flutter Kicks
40 Mtn Climbers

Requested Quikrete choose a number between 9 -11, and it couldn’t be 9 or 11. It’s like he read my mind and chose the number I was hoping for.
So we did 10 Murder Bunnies out and 10 back

40 Mtn Climbers
35 Flutter Kicks
30 Merkins
25 Lunges
20 Lawn Mower
15 Tricep Ext
10 KB Swings
5 Blockees

Take Cindy home

Announcements: Door Jam Ruck, Speed 4 Need

Prayers: Noodles M’s recovery, Short Circuits class, and PAX that haven’t made it in a while