1st F 05/01/2024 Borrowed

QiC: LiveWire
Date: 05/01/2024
Title: Borrowed
Number of HIMs: 16
Beads, Brick, Cargo, Chop, Chum, Doobie, Dump truck, Magic, Mudflap, Piggy Bank, Salmonella, Shark Tank, Snoopy, Trombone

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

SSH, Stretches, etc

Tha Thang:
Borrowed one from the F3CE BBs:

Requested Bricks choose a number between 1-5, 
So we ran around both fields 3x for 1 mile

40 Mtn Climbers

35 Flutter Kicks

30 Merkins 

25 Lunges

20 Lawn Mower

15 Curls
10 KB Swings

5 Blockees

Murder bunny 50yds, Bear Crawl 40yds, Crawl Bear 20Yds

Misc abs to finish up and Rifle Carry her home

Take Cindy home

Prayers for Pax Healing, Praise for Pax returning, Prayers for a good end to the school year, Prayers for Mrs. Tracey