1st F 05/06/2024 That cindy was too heavy anyway

QiC: Kirby
Date: 05/06/2024
Title: That cindy was too heavy anyway
Number of HIMs: 7
Dial Up, DJ Scribbles, Fargo, Pee Boots, Puff, Spread Eagle, Waterboy

Number of FNGs: 0
Name of FNGs:

Neck roll
4 count squat – 10 IC
worlds greatest stretch
on back for hamstring pull through stretch

Tha Thang:
Buy in – 50 Spartan burpees
Then partner up – one cindy per team

mosey toward pullup bar with stops
1st stop – 20 dips while partner burpees, then swap
2nd stop 20 curls while partner merkins, then swap
3rd stop – 20 OH press while partner burpees, then swap
4th stop- 20 squat with one leg on cindy while partner merkins, then swap
5th stop-20 cindy rows while partner burpees, then swap
leave cindy and mosey, karaoke, skip, backpedal, high knees to pullup bar
20 pullups each pax OYO
while not at bar, 15 big boys, 15 hello dollys, 15 LBCs

Indian run back to cindys, 5 burpees for broken cindy(RIP) courtesy of Pee Boots

1st return stop 20 curls while partner merkins, then swap
2nd return stop – 20 OH press while partner burpees, then swap
3rd return stop- 20 squat with one leg on cindy while partner merkins, then swap
mosey back to circle alternate cindy carry

Mary- plank, low plank, side plank
-American hammers – 10 IC
-flutters – 10 IC
-hello dollys – 10 IC
stretch to time

COR, NOR, Pledge
Announcement – convergence at lake mid-June-details tbd
Memorial Day murph Forsyth Sat May 25 0600
Prayer – Grateful for beautiful morning, freedom to exercise and gather. Thank you for the men of F3 and pray for Spread's father in law getting treatment options for cancer this week that the options are favorable, give he and the family peace. We pray for all those hurting and ask for guidance and wisdom this week as we lead in our homes and work.