Conditions: Lower 70s with abundant humidity, a sprinkle or two of rain, one mostly dead tree frog on the road.
Warm up consisted of (13) SSH, (13) Imperial Walkers, (13) Tunnels, (13) Chinooks, etc. Disclaimer provided. Flyover Rule waived for this work-out – it won’t be needed.
The Thang
Mosey to gather coupons and circle up at one end of the parking lot. PAX counted off starting with YHC as #1 through 13. Each round consisted of “dealer’s choice” exercise and reps, starting with YHC’s (5) burpees – each round adding another movement of the next pax choice. Between rounds, sprint or backwards run or bear crawl to the other end of the parking lot and mosey back. Each round added a movement with he final round consisting of (5) Burpees, (5) Mercans, (6) Kettlebell Swings, (7) squats, (8) upright block rows (each side), (9) Box Cutters, (10) Star Jacks and (5) overhead block presses. Surprisingly, the award for most terrible call went to Doughboy’s “star jacks”, surprisingly beating out YHC’s repeated 5 reps of burpees.
Welcome to FNG “Noodles” – glad you came to join us
Prayer concerns for (2) area youth involved in a motor vehicle accident and Armpit’s coworker with newly discovered heart issues. Pledge, Pray, on your way.
Several PAX noted that Doughboy’s backwards running speed equals or exceedes his forward pace. Interesting. Also, Airball pledged to avoid all future workouts with YHC as Q because of a propensity to involve “lots of running”.