Sugar Cane in the Half Moon Light

What a morning.  As the Noreaster blows through this southeastern town, 5 men woke up to work out at 530am.  A little cool and breezy for a Savannah March, YHC decided to focus on the stretching part of our core and stretch workout by researching a new yoga move to share with the group.  The Q announced this at the beginning of the workout and left the pax in a tizzy of anticipation as they daydreamed of all of the possibilities.  Let the fun begin:

20 SSH ic
4 merkins ic
16 SSH ic
8 merkins ic
12 SSH ic
10 merkins
10 SSH ic
15 4-ct squats since Twinkle decided to start doing squats on his own
15 moroccan night clubs ic

Mosey to outside of diamond park – to get the legs loose and blood flowing, a number of strides were done around the .25 mile  track.  sideways shuffle both sides, low side shuffle both sides, karaoke shuffle, high knees, butt kicks, mario jump skips

Return to starting point, plank in a circle and commence plank routine.
plank walk to the left half way, 5 merkins, plank walk to the right half way round, 5 merkins
low plank hold
High plank – right hand, left hand, right foot, left foot, combo hands and feet up and hold

On the 6 – 10 iron cross stretches on each side (lay on back, arms stretched out, swing left foot to right hand, flip flop)

Tin man 50 yards, inch worm 25, 20 plank jacks, bear crawl 25, duck walk 25, lunge 25 yards to the amphitheater

quad stretch with leg hanging low, hamstring stretch, 30 flutter kicks, 50 dips,  mosey to picnic tables

bunker special stretch – put shin as flat as possible on table, lean forward.  pec stretch on shelter

Yoga Circle time!!!!!  Despite my exclamation point abuse, the pax was not excited, but made an effort.
3 point back stretch
Triangle pose
downward dog
cobra pose
Sugar Cane in the Half moonlight pose.
Image result for sugarcane in the half moonlight

It looked just like that.  I swear.

Count off, Name off, Pledge, Prayer
Guppy highlighted the Xcel Strategies mentoring network.  They meet very close to Hull Park every Sunday from 2-4pm.  It’s a great opportunity to share your knowledge with young men in the community.  Check it out and consider donating your time and experience:



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