Walls of Jericho (Reprise)

78 degrees and a soggy 97% humidity (and it felt like more)

Welcome back Footlong!

Warmup started with divebombers and a disclaimer that listening to the Q means you deserve what you get. Two PAX showed up late and incurred deferred burpees. Through the Tunnels, Moroccan Nightclubs, Imperial Walkers, and SSH (all in multiples of seven) completed the warmup. Mosey on around the long way to the other end of the parking lot to get started.

This workout was a redo of YHC’s VQ where only four cycles were completed. This time, no cindys were needed; PAX completed seven reps each of burpees, squats, LBCs, flutter kicks, dollys, Merkins, and SSHs, then all ran a 770ft circuit around a marked path as a group. This time we completed seven full cycles followed by a run to the flag, where seven more burpees were performed in honor of our punctuality-challenged PAX.

Following this we had time for some CoP. 21’s (which failed, naturally, and led to seven more burpees), boat-canoes, Hammers, Doc-I-Hate-Yous, Merkins, and SSHs in cadence finished us off and left everyone dripping wet.

Countarama and namearama, announcements (Friday lunch at Pooler Steak-n-Shake unless that changes), almost forgot the Pledge, and Clog closed out with a prayer.

Total burpee count: 63

Overall this run went much better than the first attempt at this workout. The humidity made it feel like trying to breathe steam, but eliminating the cindys and choosing faster exercises and a shorter run meant we were able to finish it this time. I promise not to run this one again for a while.

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