Wheel of Animal Walks


20 PAX posted to the Pooler AO with temp in mid-70’s, slight breeze. YHC played AC/DC’s Thunderstruck a few minutes prior to start time just to set the mood. We had an FNG show up, which is par for the course (see what I did there) when its a VQ, and welcomed him to the gloom.

During the warm-up YHC asked for PAX to shout out one of the five core principles of F3. YHC knew them, but was just testing everyone else. YHC also added a reminder of the F3 Mission Statement.

Warm-up exercises consisted of some Michael Phelps, Finkle Swings, Don Quixotes, Little Baby Arm Circles, Calf Raises, and then Planks in all sorts of different positions. YHC had to shorten the count and pick those wearing rucks to ensure no one passed out.

The Thang

Left the flag and moseyed over to the back parking lot. It was a music filled mosey with the song Get Lucky by Daft Punk. Every time Get Lucky was sung all PAX dropped and did a merkin. We started out with lunges on the road to the back parking lot. After the next set of Get Lucky’s we switched movements to butt kicks. Then it was merkins again during the next few Get Lucky’s and then switched to high knees. YHC missed the next set of Get Lucky’s because he was dreaming of a strawberry milkshake. Thus all PAX did more high knees than we should have.

Next up was the Wheel of Animal Walk…more like a demonic version of the old Farmer’s See and Say.  Instead of running from the light pole, over pavement, and up the grassy incline to the bleachers, we did a designated animal walk. So it went something like this:

  • Frog Hop to bleachers, then 10 merkins with both hands on curb, then Frog Hop back. 
  • Bear Crawl to bleachers, then 10 merkins with your left hand on the curb and right on the ground, then jog back to light pole. 
  • Duck Walk, 10 merkins with both feet on curb, back to light pole. 
  • Crab Walk, 10 merkins with right hand on curb and left on ground, and then jog back to light pole.
  • Some PAX got done early and ran around the parking lot some more, did Al Gores, etc.  

We had a few minutes left and did pistol squats each leg in a circle using each other balance. Thanks Doughboy for the recommendation. And then we moseyed on back to the flag for some Mary.


Welcomed FNG now known as VEGAN. It’s funny how more F3 names pop up in your head (like PETA, GANJA, FUR COAT, BROKEBACK) after you leave the AO, but VEGAN it is!  He’s an engineering intern at Gulfstream and heads back to Big Sky country next month…Montana State University, home of the fighting Bobcats.  One notable alumni from MSU…Jan Stenerud, NFL placekicker for the Kansas City Chiefs…and you wonder why we did Finkle Swings today during the warm up (mic drop).

Keep thinking good thoughts for Noodles and his family on their upcoming trip. Clog shared another example of why we should continue to trust in God’s plan. Reminder about the Hill hosting a “picnic” convergence on Sat, Aug 3rd at 7AM (JF Gregory Park, 521 Cedar Street) with breakfast afterwards at Omelette Café.  Flat Tire also sent out to the other AOs about the school supply drive and sort of challenged them to try and collect more than Pooler.  Spend this upcoming week collecting the goods and we will decide on a place to donate to.

Last but not least, I appreciate everyone taking it easy on me as this was YHC’s VQ. I learned a lot and through the process of preparing was impressed how F3 nation does things so unique and region-specific. And in the short time I’ve been with F3 Pooler it seems to have doubled in size.  Let’s keep it up Gents!

Pledge, Pray, and Carry On!!!   

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