Mr. Sandman Tabata

10 PAX showed up this morning to work out and get all the bad IronPax juju out of their systems.  Weather was nice and the flyover rule was NOT in effect.  YHC was still a little sore from last week’s festivities but what a great way to recover by doing a Dr. Izumi Tabata inspired workout, right?

Attendees:  FlatTire, Doughboy, Quikrete, Noodles, Betty Crocker, Honker, Mullet, Swabbie, R-12, and YHC Bogey

Warm-o-rama:  Plank w/ disclaimer, plank janks IC, right arm raise and left arm raise while still in plank, clap merkins x10 OYO

Next was the Indian Burpee Run.  The last one in single file running line dropped and did 5 burpees and then ran to the front, while the next PAX in the back dropped and did their burpees.  This enabled us to mosey from the flag to the back parking lot and then to our final destination, the Tabata workout area.

So thanks to Dr. Izumi Tabata the idea is to work for 20 seconds and then rest for 10.  As always, you get out what you put into it.  So go as explosive as you can for the full 20 seconds.  YHC failed to mention that as background music is playing you will hear a GONG sound signaling the start of the exercise duration.  The boxing ring BELL signals the start of the short rest period.  YHC then walked the PAX through all ten stations of pain…errr I mean movement.  Each station is done AMRAP style.

  1. Burpees
  2. Overhead Press – Old school A-Bag filled with random items
  3. Jump Squats
  4. Sandbag Clean – The one provided has nice handles to use
  5. Flutter Kicks
  6. Superman Pose
  7. Sandbag Squat – Two choices available
  8. Peter Parkers
  9. Sandbag Lunges – Some deceptively heavy Seal sacks provided
  10. Hello Dollies

Between each set we tried to take a 30 second rest, but YHC failed miserably at holding to that promise.  FlatTire was a little overzealous with one of the A-Bags and thought it would be fun to headbutt it’s contents when doing the overhead press.  YHC got home and realized the bag contained not only lawn croquet balls but also a 10-lb kettle bell inside. I’m sure YHC covered this in the disclaimer.

We ended up going for almost 22 min total for the Tabata routine while listening to the soothing sounds of Sublime, Beastie Boys, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Temple of the Dog, The White Stripes, and Cake.  Once the Tabata timer ended we finished out doing Side Straddle Hops until the Cake song The Distance was over.  Mosey back to the flag for some American Hammers IC and two announcements:  F3 Savannah Convergence at Daffin Park next Sat and Ebenezer Haunted Forest volunteer opportunity next month.

Naked Moleskin:  YHC did enjoy the use of sandbags into our normal routine.  I read that complex and compound movements using coupons like Seal Sacks gets your body to engage the smaller “in-between” muscles in addition to your core and back.  YHC is a believer.

Pledge, pray, and oops YHC forgot to lead count-o-rama and name-o-rama…thank goodness no FNGs today.  YHC blames IronPax one more time for this oversight.

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