Roaming AO

YHC arrived 30 minutes early and was surprised to see others had already arrived. Hopes were high for some FNGs as we moved our AO to First Pres Church of Pooler. We were not disappointed as 3 FNGs arrived. One 2.0 FNG was dropped off by Mom but Dad was not to be found, hence the name Oliver Twist (the orphan).


Welcome and brief intro to F3 covering history, mission, and core values.  Disclaimer administered and we began.

SSHx30, Imperial Walkerx20, MNCx20, Shinookx20, 4-count Squatsx20, Merkinsx5, Merkin Piston Ring from Low Plankx5, LBCx20


YHC handed off to Glowstick and we mosied around the church building back to the flag. Lined up in formation for T-Merkins while 1 (and later, 2) PAX farmer carried 2 coupons 100 meters, and rotate till all had gone. Lined up for Bear Crawl Indian Run. Bear Crawl while front man does 5 burped, sprint to back of line and next man burpeed. Partnered up for Partner Drags with a band while PAX squatted. Lastly, relay races ensued. Farmer Carry 2 blocks 50 meters, jumped rope for 30 rotations, and returned blocks to original position. Complete until all PAX were done.


Announcements, brief Devotion from Brady Bunch, pledge, and prayer.


YHC is excited from the success of the roaming AO and we will continue. One more week at FPCP and then look out other churches, F3Pooler is coming for you!

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