
The Savannah Shuffle once again proves why this is the greatest single workout in the entire U. S. of A.  7 pax, including three Joshs, showed up to demonstrate that men can come together in the gloom, spend 45 minutes challenging their physical fitness while carrying on great conversation and accomplishing all of this before 0615.  This group remains strong enough and organizationally flexible enough to allow for all three Joshs and not negatively impact the day’s mission.  Next week the goal will be four Joshs and from there, YHC can only imagine the great heights we can reach with five Joshs.

The Thang:
Old Runner’s warmup: 30 Side Straddle Hops IC

Run 1.5 miles into the Chatham Crescent
5 Lt. Dan’s (1 squat, 4 lunge ratio – up to 5 squats and 20 lunges)
Run 1 mile
7 Capt. Thors (1 big boy situp, 4 russian twists ratio – up to 7 sit ups and 28 twists)
Run .5 miles
9 Jack Webbs (1 push up, 4 air presses ratio – up to 9 pushups, 36 airpresses)
Return to the flag

BOM, announcements, pledge, prayer

Great to see the Joshs, including Maple, Birdman, and yes, even Twinkle
Impressive effort by Birdman, who completed a personal leg workout the night before, and still pushed through the run.
Congrats to the Maple family on the good news shared this morning

Spark (Saturday at Daffin) is encouraging all coastal empire pax to attend.  The theme of the workout is the Number 4, and it will be followed by coffeeteria at Daffin Park to help promote F3 Savannah at the XC Kickoff race, also taking place in Daffin Park.  The F3 Banner will fly.


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