Negatives for Positive Gains

Conditions:  78 deg F, 98% humidity, zero breeze


Quick warmup as we’d be tight on time today

Michael Phelps OYO during Disclaimer

Big Arm Circles OYO

T^3 * 10 IC

Imperial Walkers * 10 IC

Thanks to Footlong and Armpit’s late arrival, we all did 10 burpees

The Thang

Mosey to the pull up bars grabbing cinder blocks along the way.

5 stations each focusing on the negative motion.  Today was not about reps, but more about the duration that your muscles are kept in tension.

  • Station 1: Negative Pull Ups
  • Station 2: Resistance Curls
  • Station 3: The resistance for the Resistance Curls (this was basically a rest station)
  • Station 4: Negative Dips
  • Station 5:  Negative Merkins with a 3-5 second hold at the bottom, chest barely off of the ground

Perform each station for 64 seconds, rest for 20 … total of 7 minutes for one cycle

Take a breather from the negatives with a round of focus on abs

  • Abs 1:  Leg Lifts
  • Abs 2: Crunchy Frogs
  • Abs 3:  American Hammers
  • Abs 4 & 5:  Oblique Bends w/ Cinder Block each side

Same timing routine, 64 on, 20 off, 7 minutes total

Repeat the negative’s cycle above.  Then repeat the abs cycle.

Return the coupons, plank until all return to the flag.


Count, Names, Announcements, Prayer Requests, Pledge, Prayer

Keep those that were in the path of Hurricane Florence in your prayers.  Lot’s of North & South Carolina F3 groups impacted.  Be on the lookout for opportunities to help them as they assess their recovery.  There is already a GoFundMe for one group.  Supplies are welcome too, if you are interested, just get them to me and we’ll figure out how to get them up to the recovery efforts.

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