Backblast title not as poetic as Red Ryder’s


SSH * 30 IC, MNC * 15 IC, IW * 15 IC, T^3 * 15 IC, Dive Bombers *3, Plan for about 90 seconds

The Thang

Mosey to get 1 cinder block per PAX.  Mosey those over to the start of Oak Row.

At the starting row, do 25 merkins.  Every return to the starting row is 25 merkins.

Carry the cindy to the first Oak Row.  Do 25 cindy squats.  Run back to the start row without the  25 merkins.

Run one row to the cindy, carry it to the second row.  Do 25 kettle bell swings.  Run back to the start without the cindy. 25 merkins.

Run two rows to the cindy, carry it to the third row.  Do 25 Tricep extensions.  Run back to the start without the cindy. 25 merkins.

Run three rows to the cindy, carry it to the fourth row.  Do 25 curls.  Run back to the start without the cindy. 25 merkins.

Run four rows to the cindy, carry it to the fifth row.  Do 25 flutter kicks while holding the block above your chest.  Run back to the start without the cindy. 25 merkins.

Run five rows to the cindy, carry it to the sixth row.  Do 25 squat thrusters.  Run back to the start without the cindy. 25 merkins.

Reverse the full suicide, doing each exercise again until back to the start.

Return the cindy’s, mosey to the flag.  15 American Hammers IC.  5 Captain Thor’s called by Guppy.


Count, names, announcements, pledge, prayer

Prayers for the One Directions family.

Prayers for Guppy’s daughter Ruthie and their family as they figure out the best options for treatment of her condition.


Tunnels – apparently doing a static stretch of the hamstrings is not the point of through the tunnels.  YHC likes his method, feel free to modify 🙂

Spark on Saturday had an Oak Row with Cindy’s routine.  Luckily I varied it up enough.

Was a pleasure to Q at Fuel, not a normal AO for me in order to get to work on time.  Thanks for letting me lead.

Pooler is always looking for Q’s.  None of this spreadsheet madness.  Just claim it and post!




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