14 for a heavy sand workout

Earlier in the week, Doughboy posted an old photo from the facebook memory machine of 10+ men eating breakfast after a saturday workout. Pining for the days of full tables at breakfast, YHC put the word out via slack for Richmond Hill and Pooler to clown car down to Daffin Park for a full service, beach themed, ruck workout. The rouse worked and 14 men showed up for a saturday at Daffin. YHC called one minute.

Circle up in plank position. Disclaimer given. Red Ryder almost nailed the mission of F3, then the group contributed to the 5 core principles of F3. Between principles, 5 merkins were completed.
20 – 4 count squats IC
Mosey to the cage

Everyone without a weighted ruck grabbed a cinder block. Two 60lb sandbags, and 2 very heavy railroad ties. Pax split into groups of 2, 7 work stations were set up. 10 rail road tie flips were completed, which moved the group. Each other station worked as many reps as possible until the move.
Rail Road tie flips
Over head block presses
Ruck swings – like kettle bell swings
Big Boy sit ups
60lb sand bag jerk and squat
Cinder block curls
Lunges with cinder block

2 rotations were completed. Then two lines were formed and pax briskly walked to traffic circle, down the street, then back to the playground.

Questionable internet Navy SEAL sand workout was then completed in sandy playground.
30 flutter kicks with weight overhead
30 yard bear crawl with weight drag
30 American Hammers with weight
repeat 3 times

The pax desanded by indigenous persons run with weights/rucks for 10 minutes. Brisk walk, last man ran to front.

The Count announced F3 Chatanooga’s efforts to recognize the fallen 5.
Encouragement to sign up for GA Grow Ruck.
Encouragement to consider how you are accelerating in life, relationships, as a husband, father, employee, your fitness, nutrition, spiritual life. Don’t fall into the status quo trap. Accelerate or Decelerate.

Pledge, Prayer, 12 men hit the Breakfast place for coffeeteria.

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