Bassinet Shuffle

Expecting only one other pax due to holiday travel schedules and announced absences, YHC was thrilled to see a mysterious white truck in the parking lot.  No, it was not …

Gomer’s Piles

5 Pax appeared in the gloom.  Admittedly, YHC contemplated bowing out due to ‘roid rage issues of an unspeakable nature.  Suffice it to say that the ‘roid rage was not …

Most Fartsacked…Others Cusacked

There was some confusion about who was going to Q this morning but one thing was certain…it would involve cinder blocks.  4 pax gathered including oot pax, Lion.  TwoPack took …

The Backblast is Back, alright?

YHC would like to apologize for the title of this post.  Boyband lyric puns are not acceptable.  Not now, not ever.  However, the sentiment is accurate.  It’s time to bring …