Conditions: 67°F, 100% humidity CoP Plank during disclaimer and reciting the Mission of F3. “The mission of F3 is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for …

Low-impact with Sally

Four PAX attested to completing Wednesday’s virtual workout, as follows:This is a low-impact strength workout–a change from YHC’s usual HIIT/power favorite. Coupon required again–use what you have, be inventive if …

Tour de Cindy

10 PAX + 1 2.0 emerged from the recent downpours to start the Friday off right. Conditions: 55 degrees, 10mph wind. Everything was soggy… Warmup: High knees in cadence, thru …

Hardover’s VQ

15 posted on a brisk 36 deg morning for YHC’s VQ. CoP Disclaimer while plank. Since YHC warned that there would be considerable running, all assumed the through the tunnels position (legs …

Cindy lexicon

18 pax posted for some Cindy work and lexicon school. Warmup. SSH, TTT, MNC, Chinooks, all IC at random reps. 5 Burpees to celebrate a late arrival by one PAX. …

In the Gloom… …the Q Said

12 PAX gathered for a pyramid style workout based on a classic kid’s memory game. It started out easy… Conditions: Balmy 65degF with light breeze, rain nearby but AO was …

Full-body intervals

14 posted on a 57 degree morning for a full-body interval workout. Two added an EC run with pullups. Warmups and a disclaimer concluded with 21s, which almost succeeded, but …