Musical Chairs

12 Pax posted for the first morning of “Games” theme week. Several PAX have agreed to take the Q for an entire week and have workouts with a theme. YHC decided to have a Game week and kicked it off with Musical Chairs. Hot, humid, and muggy.


Planked during disclaimer, Don Quixote IC X 15, Chinooks IC x 15, Grass grabbers x 15 and maybe some more YHC cant remember. Mosey to the back parking lot.

The Thang

In a big circle were 8 “bases” labled Moroccan night clubs, LBC’s, Shouder taps, Merkins, Plank Jacks, lunge jumps, Freddy Mercurys, and Imperial squat walkers. When the music started, pax high kneed (Skipped) around the outside of the circle. When the whistle blew at a random time, pax had to get to a base. Pushing and shoving like kids prevailed.  Those left out (4 pax each time) had to do burpees while the rest of the pax did the exercise on their base. The music kept playing until the whistle blew again. The whistle started the pax circling again this time doing lunges followed by bear crawls on the third circling. Some had bad luck and did burpees multiple times. YHC called for no more bear crawls and Van Halen was playing “Jump” so, as requested, bunny hops replaced bear crawls. Multiple chatter about music choice of YHC. Hey, we rocked music in the 80’s!  Rinsed and repeated multiple times until “The final countdown” played. Mosey back to flag. I think if it was possible that even  YHC’s toenails were sweating in the Deep South summer humidity.


Pledge, Pray, and on our way.


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