Lazy Dora Jump rope

11 pax posted for some pain called Dora. She was pretty cruel for a animated cartoon.


Disclaimer given while in plank, dive bombers, MNC, SSH, Abe Vigoda, Willie Mays , Chinooks, sprinklers, in varying reps IC. Grab your jump rope and mosey to the cindys.

The Thang

Partner up. While pax one is holding Cindy in a Air Chair position, pax two completes 50 jump ropes. Switch x4 until each pax completed 200 Jumps. Who forgot how to jump rope when tired?

Hold Plank until all pax complete

Staying partnered up , we went to 25 abyss merkins and 50 LBC’s. Switcharama until each partner had completed 100 merkins and 200 LBC’s. Pretty sure that YHC saw the ocean floor, or maybe he couldn’t see from the sweat.

Hold Superman pose until all pax complete

Next was 25 Cindy curls and 50 Donkey kicks. The plan was to repeat until 100 curls and 200 kicks completed. Running short of time, Q called for 50 / 100.

Jack Webbs climbing up to 4 Merkins and 40 air presses ended the morning pain.

Return cindys and mosey back to the flag with 2 minutes to spare.


Pledge, Prayers for Florence SC flooding, and on our way.


Need to reach out to those missing from the gloom and EH them back into the fold. Always be seeking FNG’s so that we can grow and share. YHC is very grateful to be part of this group and the F3 Nation.  YHC will be running with F3Bluffton in the Ragnar trail race Oct 5. Next year @coastalempire will have a team!

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