Recovery COP

13 showed up for a seasonable 62 and cloudy—it was chilly, even.

Seven PAX started early at 0515 for IronPAX week 3 near the pullup bars. The remaining six started off with a disclaimer during Algores and moved on to divebombers, Nightclubs, chinooks, walkers, and tunnels.

As YHC was suffering from a back muscle spasm, the workout was a variation on CoP; one Pax called out another and the man to his left called out the exercise. This progressed around the circle until each Pax had named an exercise, then we moseyed a lap around the parking lot. At one point Swabbie graciously called out 20 burpees, saving YHC from having to do so.

After several rounds, we headed over to the pullup area to meet the other Pax and help get the cindys put up. Finally, a mosey back to the flag for CoT, where we welcomed FNG Lucky Charms.

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