Cold Gasser

15 pax posted in the gloom for a breezy January Q. Lower than normal temps (32) didn’t keep everyone in the sack. Gloves? Yeah most had them. But we did have one Pax in shorts. Light mumble chatter, no audible flatulence.

Warmed up quickly with 30 SSH, 10 merkins , 30 LBC’s , MNC , 20 Imperial Paul Walkers, all IC. Then 10 finkle swings each side oyo. Slow mosey around lot and end up at cindys.

Start at one end of parking lot. Run to other end and perform 1 burpee. Return to start and perform 10 burpees. Run to end and perform 2 burpees return to start and do 20 squat thrusters with cindy. Run to end and do 3 burpees. Return to start and do 30 kettlebell swings. Add a burpee and complete the following

10 burpees, 20 squat thrusters, 30 kettle bells, 40 merkins, 50 LBC’s, 60 cindy curls, 70 SSH. Each time adding a burpee. (Last round would be 7 burpees at one end and 70 SSH at the other).

This was AMRAP for 20 minutes. If you finish the round you start over. After time is up you have a score. One point for each exercise completed. .5 if you finished the burpees but not the reps. Example: If you finished the curls you would score a 6. If you did the curls and 7 burpees you would score a 6.5.

Return to flag for story time with plank jacks mixed in.

Passed out tickets for the Boston butt sale upcoming. We need to sell 100 as a group!

Pledge, pray, and on our way.

Always an honor to be part of this group. Even if some get confused as wives instead of husbands.

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