2019 Fun Run Results

The Pooler AO does a 1st Monday of the month benchmark workout to see how we are improving over the year. We affectionately refer to this benchmark workout as the Fun Run.

The workout is 1/4 mile loop with a workout station at each corner. Completing a station fully counts as a 0.25 lap. The goal is to complete as many stations as possible in 20 minutes. The stations are:

  • 10 burpees & 10 LBCs
  • 20 Cindy Squats & 20 LBCs
  • 30 Merkins & 30 LBCs
  • 40 Mountain Climbers (single leg) & 40 LBCs

35 PAX participated in at least one Fun Run in 2019. Here is a table of the results:

Deuce and Brady Bunch tied for the overall record with a blazing fast 4.5 laps. Almost every PAX saw significant improvement over the year. Bogey showed the largest improvement gaining 1.5 laps over the 7 months since he joined F3! Great job Bogey!

F3 is more than a workout. But it does start with a workout and with a goal of continuous self-improvement. You need to lead yourself before you can effectively lead others. The Fun Run is a great benchmark to see that progress. Perhaps the format will be different next year, but YHC would encourage everyone to find a way to measure their acceleration throughout the year. Because if you aren’t accelerating, you’re decelerating!

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